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4 Years is a Long Time

News flash: burnout and taking photos are not mutually exclusive.
It's been almost 4 years since I've updated this website. In the meanwhile, I've been posting on social media and leaving this place neglected.
Until today, that is! Pencil/Shutter has been revamped and revised - and is definitely way faster since I dropped WordPress and decided to hand-code everything. Also:
  • Things that I've posted elsewhere will be re-posted here. The published date will be the date of the original post, but the updated date will be when it was actually posted on this website.
  • There will be a mix of new things and old things showing up from here onward - hopefully by summer 2024, this will have stabilized.
Like most things, there will be hiccups along the way and nothing is for certain. Speaking of things that aren't certain, did you know that the ferry is not a guaranteed safe route in The Oregon Trail? In my adult life, I've only played The Oregon Trail twice and in both playthroughs the ferry sank - in the last playthrough, this included the deaths of two of my party members, leaving my poor child to take on the reins to the west (spoiler alert: he did not make it).
Why must this game be so cruel?
Author: Francisco Tenorio
Last Updated: 2024/03/5